PAinting Brass Numberplates

Each image below shows the key steps in how I paint etched brass numberplates. Enamel paint is used.

To start out, I clean the brass. Next is the colour that is going to be for the numbers/border, in this case white. I airbrush an enamel white, allow to dry for a couple of days. Then I spray an acrylic gloss clear coat, again allowing dry time. In this example I mix a thin enamel paint, approx 70/30 and load up a long bristle point brush. I don’t “paint” with the brush, I just hold the tip in one spot on the numberplate and let the black flow onto the numberplate, it will take a couple of applications. When it looks right, walk way. Allow several days dry time then I follow up with a clear varnish to finish.

After cutting the plates from the fret, I use a white paint pen to run along that edge to tidy up. Personal preference may see you cut the plates out first, I find the fret a very useful handle.


Cleaning white metal